Wednesday, November 21, 2012


With it being Turkey Day Eve, I decided to write a post about the most fantastic show known to mankind. This show also featured 10 Thanksgiving-themed episodes. Can you guess the show...that's right it's Friends.

Now, I don't have to tell most of you how much I love this show! But just in case you are a new reader, you should know that I have seen every episode of Friends at least 6 times. I went through all ten seasons with three out of my four roommates in college. I have serious dedication to this show. I quote it in everyday life and I identify with these characters more than any others.

So, in honor of the show I decided to tell you all about my Friendsgiving marathon that I had a few years ago. A friend of mine and I watched every season's Thanksgiving episode in a row! What a fun time, I would definitely recommend it! Here are my top five favorite Thanksgiving episodes:

1. "The One With the Late Thanksgiving" Season 10
I think this one is my favorite because it is the last one! Phoebe and Rachel enter Emma into a beauty pageant while Ross and Joey head to a Ranger's game. Monica has Thanksgiving dinner all ready, but all the friends are late. She didn't even want to host anyway, but she forgives the rest of the gang when her and Chandler receive good news from the adoption agency.

2. "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs" Season 7
Chandler's fear of dogs is revealed and Ross challenges everyone to name all fifty states. I love this one because it is the most regular of all of the episodes and all the friends are in a good place.

3. "The One With the Football" Season 3
This is one of my favorite episodes of all time. The friends play a football game while waiting for the turkey to cook. Rachel and Ross are together and adorable while Joey and Chandler to try beat each other for the attention of a Dutch woman.

4. "The One Where Ross Got High" Season 6
A classic episode of sibling rivalry. Monica invites her parents over for turkey day and she plans on telling them that she is dating Chandler. Monica and Ross battle against each other telling Judy and Jack all the things the other one did as a kid.

5. "The One With Chandler In a Box" Season 4
Chandler spends Thanksgiving in a box as a punishment for kissing Joey's girlfriend Kathy. Best Chandler episode ever

There you have it. I know it's unlikely that you are going to have a Friendsgiving marathon, but you could always choose one of my favorite episodes! :) Enjoy your holiday! Be sure to watch the parade and the dog show. 

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