Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why do People Care about Renee Zellweger's Face?

Here are the facts: Renee Zellweger's face does look different. She stepped put recently and the public jumped on her about why her face seems to have undergone some type of transformation. It's not a good transformation, but really who cares? 

There are so many people in Hollywood who have had botched plastic surgery. The public freaks out about it and then moves on. This too shall pass. My amazement is that people haven't noticed sooner. Personally, I noticed on the award circuit of 2013 that Zellweger's did not look like her typical self and hasn't since then. I even commented on it in my blog after The Oscars. But today people seem to notice what has been around for close to two years now. Zellweger had bad plastic surgery. 

Nicole Kidman has gone through extensive surgery along with Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian and Lauren Graham. Let's not forget Catherine Hicks and how 7th Heaven hid her face with haircuts and camera angles for the last couple seasons of the show. The latest seem to be Zellweger and Kylie Jenner's lips. I guess my point is that many celebrities go through extensive changes to look more accepting to the public eye. People care for a day or five days and then the next explosive story breaks. 

So why care in the first place? I'm not trying to be crass but sometimes the media makes too much out of something small. I logged onto Facebook today to see every news site covering this story.  Let it go people, it's not your face. And poor Renee, let her be. 

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