Monday, October 22, 2012

Watch of the Week

In honor of Monday night football, I have decided that the Watch of the Week is The Blind Side. Most of you have probably seen this movie, but it's always good to watch this one again. The heartwarming plot, not to mention the vivid characters make this one a serious treat to watch. I have been known to watch this film from whatever point I catch it on television and I frequently wrap myself in a blanket and pop in my DVD. This is a movie that I suggest to people often. As you can see, I can't get enough of it. 

Why you ask? Well besides the general storyline and the amazing screenwriting, I also fall in love with the depth of the characters every time. The characters in this film run deep, so deep because they are based on real life characters. The Tuohy family is alive and well. They really did take in Michael Oher. And yes, I know if you have seen the film you are familiar with this whole situation, but it really does bring a new light and meaning to the story. Another reason I give this film such great reviews is because of the actors themselves. You have Sandra Bullock, who won the Oscar that year as Best Actress. Tim McGraw graces us with his presence. Not only is he yummy to look at, but he is also gifted and talented in acting. Kathy Bates is always a shining star and is again in this film. And the kids make up a great ensemble as well. I want to take the kid who plays SJ home with me! 

Definitely redbox or watch it on demand. It's a winner. 

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