Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Ten Best Harry Potter Characters

This is a hard post to write because of the myriad to choose from, how can you possibly choose just ten? Well, I made it a little bit easier on myself by ruling out the main characters. You will not find Harry, Ron or Hermione on this list because we all know of their awesomeness. 

1. Neville Longbottom. He saves the day completely. Not to mention the kid who plays Neville in the movies turned out to be extremely hot. 

2. Bellatrix Lestrange. She is all evil, worse than Voldemort. I was terrified of her both in reading the books and watching the films. 

3. Snape. Words cannot express how much this single character effects the entire book series. If you don't believe me, look at my very first post from this blog. Snape was always an amazing character, both in the times that I hated him and loved him. The only thing that could have made his character any better in the films was having Alan Rickman cast. So you see, some dreams can come true. 

4. Professor McGonagall. Love her. She is one of the only motherly figures that Harry has in his life. She always protects him and H and R. 

5. Mrs. Weasley. The ultimate mother. The ultimate British woman. The ultimate character. I am now off my ultimate soapbox. 

6. Mad-Eye Moody. He's got a glass eye, a good attitude masked as a bad one and he dies trying to save Harry's life. I don't think they come much better than him. 

7. Fred & George Weasley. They shouldn't be lumped together like this but I had to do it. These two are the greatest twins in literature if you ask me. They bring the crazy to whatever operation Harry, Ron and Hermione are on. Don't talk about the ending with me, because I seriously cannot handle it. 

8. Albus Dumbledore. If there is one person who almost gets my full love and admiration more than Snape it would be this man. And yes, in my eyes he was a real man. When I read Half Blood Prince and he died, I couldn't pull myself together. A character that forever shaped Harry's life. 

9. Draco Malfoy. Gotta love the bad boy. There has to be one in every series, and I will say that Draco is not half bad. 

10. Lord Voldemort. I couldn't make a list of characters and not put him on here. Menacing, terrifying, and yet somehow he still has a glimmer of a soul. 

Honorable mentions: Hagrid, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood, and the entire rest of the Weasley family. 

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