Monday, October 8, 2012

Top News Stories

First off, I just want to say that this particular bride looked beautiful and as long as this couple is happy none of this following paragraph matters. But, in the interest of being an entertainment blog and exposing things I thought it would be interesting to talk about this wedding. Last night, David Cross and Amber Tamblyn were wed. Congratulations to the happy couple. Did you know however that David Cross will be 50 next year and Amber is only 30? I think its funny when Hollywood couples have a huge age gap. It just makes me wonder where they met and how its all going to play out. Despite the age difference the instagram photo that has emerged of their wedding dance is touching and I wish them all the best.

Mila Kunis was crowned the Sexiest Woman Alive. Do you agree? I know some people are truly not fans of hers. I think the title is well deserved and I could not be happier for her and Ashton. I saw a post the other day that stated Ashton is getting ready to propose. I think they are great for each other and all their friends say they have never seen them happier.

The Bachelor couple Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson have broken their engagement! Are you shocked at all?! You guys all know I love that show however, to be shocked by it I would like to see a couple stay together for more than a couple of months. I hope that Jef and Emily are on that road. The only other couple that seems to have really clicked and has a future is Molly and Jason.

Check in tomorrow for Watch of the Week!

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