Monday, September 17, 2012

Watch of the Week

Here we go. This week's movie is Secret Window. It stars Johnny Depp.

Reasons why its a good one to watch:
It's a thriller and a fast-paced one at that. It will keep your heart racing. The movie is about a writer who is accused of plagiarism by a random man named John Shooter. Shooter then starts coming after him for justice. Mort Rainey (Depp's character) is hiding out in upstate New York after his divorce from his crazy wife. He is hiding out in a cabin and that's about all I am going to give away.

Another reason is seriously Johnny Depp. I think this is an overlooked performance of his. This movie came out in 2004 right in the middle of the Pirates madness. It's a job well done, not that anyone expected anything less from Depp. Check it out and let me know what you think! 

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