Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trouble With The Curve

Ok, this movie is great, but let's just get over the badness over right off the bat. Get it, right off the bat? I know, I am hysterical. But seriously, all bad baseball jokes aside the movie is awesome except for two things. Number one, they could have cut about fifteen minutes from the middle of the film. It is an epic creation and the screenwriting is fabulous, but they went a little far to prove the point they wanted to get across. The point was across and over done by the time they reached the downhill slide of the climax. The second so-so issue was Clint Eastwood. Not himself, his acting is always good. But in this case, and in others, he was typecasted. Once again we saw Eastwood's character start out as a grumpy, standoffish misunderstood guy who blossomed into a man who was able to communicate and express his feelings.

If you can deal with those two things, which I know you can...the movie really is fabulous. I am just trying to give you the best well-rounded review to the film. The acting is dead on and the chemistry between Justin Timberlake and Amy Adams is irresistible. I have never seen Adams have bad onscreen chemistry with anyone, but this is one for the books. Timberlake and Adams are so cute that you wish you knew this fictious couple so that you could go out for a beer with them. The supporting cast is also right on key with Matthew Lillard and John Goodman offering great performances.

The movie is exactly what it aimed to be. It is great for baseball fans for sure. The vernacular is there and so is the rush of watching the game. The scouts who all hang out regularly are really great and add a few amazing one liners. The best scene of the film by far though is when Justin Timberlake's character is mocking the father-daughter relationship between Eastwood's and Adam's characters. He states that they would make a better reality show than the Kardashian's and how crushing that would be for Bruce Jenner. I got a good laugh out of that one for sure. In fact, I laughed out loud about fifteen times during this film, and that is a lot for me.

The movie comes out on Friday. I challenge you to check it out, otherwise Bruce...will be crushed! 

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