Saturday, September 22, 2012

Not What You Thought You Were Getting

I went to the four o'clock showing of Arbitrage today. It hasn't been promoted that much, but if you have seen a preview featuring Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon and Tim Roth then it's this film. The preview makes the movie look like it is going to be one thing. But this is one case where you end up getting something completely different. 

The strange, but obvious thing about this film is that the acting is great and yet I would not recommend this film to anyone, nor do I ever want to see it again. I was the only person under the age of fifty in the theater, and all of the old women who talk too loud naturally couldn't stop talking about how the only reason they were there was to see Richard Gere grace the silver screen. I agree that he is a silver fox, I am also partial to Sarandon's acting. I was really excited to this film. 

When I saw the preview I immediately showed it to my mom who thought it looked like a copy of the Kennedy scandal from the 80's. I did some research and found the whole story fascinating. But here's the thing, the movie is not what it looks like. The plot follows a rich man in New York City who is involved in the financial business. He has an affair and in a freak car accident ends up killing his woman on the side. So you would think the film will follow his inditement and all that comes with that. But it doesn't, it just goes on for another hour and a half with Tim Roth laying all over every piece of furniture he can find while a boring plot (if you can call it that) unravels. My advice is to skip this one, and if you feel the need to see Gere that badly, wait for the netflix. 

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