Saturday, September 29, 2012

Shonda Rimes Making Me Cry

Is anyone out there still watching Grey's Anatomy? I have to be honest, I have tuned out for the past two seasons. Soon after the most famous episode to date with the shooting I had my fill. I feel like it was truly the show of the early 2000's. Everywhere you went for about five years everyone was talking about. There was another show just like this, also done by ABC, Desperate Housewives. The sad that is that one of them ended and the other is still on. I was thinking about all of this the other night while Grey's was on at my house. I have been really disappointed without DH this season. For seven years it was a tradition in my family to sit around on Sunday nights and watch it. We dropped everything else for that solid hour and it always put a good spin on things for the beginning of the week. So, now that I have whined about my lack of seeing Marcia Cross and Eva Longoria, I will get to the real point of this post.

I was seriously ragging on Grey's Anatomy. I feel like this show was once a great icon and now it has turned into repeated storylines through different characters on the show. The whole Derek and Merideth thing is completely over, now matter what spin they through at them next. Christina and Hunt have nothing to offer, Alex is still the most bitter human being on the planet and McSteamy is still hot. That is until this week's episode. McSteamy died from complications after this crazy plane crash that half of the staff was in. And on a side note, I know this is a television show I am writing about, but how many tragedies can strike the same group of people?! It gets to be a little far-fetched and unbelievable sometimes. So, McSteamy dies, Arizona looses her leg and Christina moves away. That is how this episode is going down and I am rolling my eyes because of the weirdness of it all, and yet I am still crying. This post is really a dedication to Shonda Rimes the writer and creator of this crazy, whacked out show. Even though I have not paid any attention to these cooky characters for two years, I was still blubbering as Sloan died. The emotional connections that she is able to convey is ridiculous. I still think Desperate Housewives should be on and they should have put Grey's to bed, but I guess if I can blubber over one episode, it will still be on the air for quite some time.  Here's to you Shonda! What is going to happen at Seattle Grace next?!

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