Friday, September 28, 2012

Les Mis Buzz

Everywhere I look today there is a lot of buzz around the upcoming film Les Miserables. As you all know, I am really and truly excited for this film. I have grown up on this musical. And let me fully explain the definition of "grown up on" here. I literally have listened to the original soundtrack of Les Miserables over five hundred thousand times. The cd was played on every road trip I have ever been on, which is a lot. And I have been able to sing every word, yes every word, of "Master of the House" since the age of six. It never gets old to me. There is something so completely rich about this storyline and the characters that are weaved so amazingly through it. You can pick a character at any stage of life and identify with what they are going through. The acting has always been so well done, but its the singing that really brings out the raw emotions. I can barely get through the current trailer right now without crying. The sheer sound of Anne Hathaway's voice as she sings the famous ballad "I Dreamed a Dream" is a hallow sound that could rock anyone to their core.

Now that I have gone on and on and gushed about my life for this theatrical musical, let me get down to it. The buzz that is going around is something really cool that I wanted to share with all of you. When a musical is performed onstage obviously the singers are singing live during every performance (or at least we can all hope). A movie musical is usually shot differently though with the cast singing a few weeks before they come to the set and then they just mouth the words to the music as they move around during each scene. This is not the case for this amazing movie, the singing was all performed live take by take. While this may not sound fascinating, look inside to what I am telling you. The actors had the privilege and ability to manipulate not only their acting from take to take, but also their singing. I think the result of this will be a much more personal film that will bring us more emotion.

It's all exciting news, but I am just more anxious than ever for the movie to hit theaters. I will definitely be purchasing opening-day tickets and I know my family will be there. Will you be going?

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