Friday, August 17, 2012

Top Ten Best Villains of All Time

Today's list is devoted to the villains that scared us when we were a kid, and some of them that still scare us in movies today. In movies, you always have to have the villains, so don't hate on them too much. Here are my top ten picks for most outrageous and most-beloved villains.

1. Voldemort: although by the end of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part II I was way more scared of Bellatrix than of him, he still makes it number one on the list. Have you seen the graveyard scene in Goblet of Fire? That stuff is a psychotic, scary nightmare. The best thing about a villain is being able to relate to them in some form or fashion, and Tom Riddle had a horrible time growing up. He was orphaned and abandoned and left for nothing, until Dumbledore found him. That makes you almost want to see him in his evil ways and yet, we want him dead. Well that was brought to us after seven books and eight films with his confetti splattered all over the Hogwarts' grounds.

2. Queen (Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs): the crazy thing about this chick is that she only wants Snow White dead over one thing, her beauty. I mean, really? Normally, a villain has higher standards for their list of most hated people. But that is what makes the Queen so scary. I never wanted to watch Snow white & the Seven Dwarfs when I was little because of her. I mean she is literally so scary that Disney re-made her character again in Enchanted. That's when you know you are scary, when Disney uses you not once...but twice.

3. Hannibal Lector (Silence of the Lambs): this whole movie is terrifying, by the end of it I was sitting with my knees and hands covering my eyes. The scariest thing about Hannibal Lector to me was the way that Anthony Hopkins portrayed him. Think about if another actor could have pulled that role off with that much sincerity, dignity and the sheer ability to make people feel terror. I don't think that another actor could. Hopkins always made the character have the creepiest eye contact with Foster's character. The whole movie is downright disturbing, but the scenes with him obviously are the ones that stick with you forever.

4. Bane (The Dark Knight Rises): even though I know that underneath that weird mouth mask is Tom Hardy smiling all the way through his acting, Bane onscreen seriously creeps me out. I think his character and what he stands for, represents the fears that live within so many of us these days. The fears of terrorism and it truly taking over parts of the globe. The mask just makes it all the more scary, and seriously bravo on the voice Hardy! I mean you are scary, but I do imitations of the voice all the time just to engage others in a laugh.

5. The Joker (The Dark Knight): surprise! Not. This one is not a shocker to anyone. Especially with Heath Ledger's death surrounding the release of the movie. He was a seriously gifted and talented actor and he really did give his performance of a lifetime to this role. He will forever live on as the scariest villain to me personally. I felt like he had the ability to get inside the other characters' minds in a way that was so invasive and terrifying.

6. Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction): have you seen this movie? I almost peed my pants, it's that scary! Talk about portraying a psycho character. I truly believe that Glenn Close gave her performance of a lifetime in this film. Michael Douglas is also amazing in this film, but that is besides the point. I warn you, if you have not seen not watch it alone!

7. Wicked Witch of the West (The Wizard of Oz): not only is she scary, but she has a band of frightening looking monkeys following her around. This was a film growing up that I loved, but also seriously gave me the willies. Every scene that the Wicked Witch is in you can feel her ugly, mean presence seeping out of the television as you watch. And the fact that she is green didn't help her popularity either.

8. Malifecent (Sleeping Beauty): "Listen well, all of you!" That's all I think you need to read to remember Malifecent and how terrifying she truly is. I can still hear her staff striking the ground in the castle when I think about it. The way her eyes got all creepy when Aurora got closer and closer to the spinning wheel. This character is the stuff that scares the crap out of kids.

9. Darth Vader (Star Wars): do I really have to explain this one?

10. Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians): She kills animals!! And her two idiot helpers are just as scary as she is. Their is something to the animation in the original film (before they remade it with as a live-action film) that just makes her even more intense. The artists drew her so lanky and looming over everyone. The fact that green smoke came out of her cigarettes was freaky as well. She rounds out the list in last place because if we had never seen this movie as kids, we would never realize how wrong skinning animals really is. It made us look at all our of animals in a different way!

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