Sunday, March 18, 2012

Movie Parallels

Last night I stayed in and watched My Best Friend's Girl. I know your first thought, that I stayed in on St. Patrick's Day. But just look past that and enjoy the entertainment enlightenment that I am about to present to you!

So, I am watching this film starring Jason Biggs, Kate Hudson and Dane Cook, featuring Alec Baldwin. It is a cruder film, but I have always like a good crude, humorous film. Dane Cook is a self described "asshole" who makes a career out of helping men in bad dating situations. Whenever a girl breaks up with a "good guy" in swoops Tank (Dane Cook) and takes the girl on the worst date of her life. Then the girl runs back to her beloved ex boyfriend and they live happily ever after. This works well for him until he has to help his best friend/cousin (Biggs) by getting him back Alexis (Hudson). And of course, even though this film is crude, it is still a romantic comedy. So as all of you are expecting, Tank and Alexis fall in love and drama ensues as the whole "asshole dater" story unravels.

Now, as much as this movie was predictable, it was still very entertaining. The other thing that Ivgot to thinking about when watching this movie was how many movies are truly made with this same basic concept. And how many of these same premise movies that I have seen. There were two major films that came to mind when I thought about this. The first was Hitch. Hitch is guy who is a girl and dating expert who helps "loser type" guys get the pretty girls. Well, in a way the two characters are almost the same. And then you have a woman playing that role with a subtle change in character in Failure to Launch. So really you have Dane Cook, Sarah Jessica Parker and Will Smith along with countless other actors and actresses playing the same role. Two things I wonder. The second wonderment really answers the first one. Number one: Why does Hollywood continue to make basically the same movie just changing one piece of the script? Secondly, why do WE continue to watch them? Obviously Hollywood makes these films because we devour them and create great numbers at the box office and in DVD sales. But why do we watch them? I think the answer is simple there as well. Casting agents for films pick the best people for the job, in turn, making normal people like you and me want to go see our favorite stars. We know the premise of the movie, knowing exactly how it will end and what kind of emotion it will evoke in us. So, we head to the theater and invest the money, which now is an arm and a leg, to see a movie that we already know the ending to.

If you haven't seen any of the films mentioned in this post, I recommend them. Yes, I just wrote a post all about how we see movies we know the ending to and how similar movies are created again and again. And now I am recommending that you see them all! That's what the multi-billion film industry is all about!

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