Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Are you Hungry? For Books?

If you are not a Hunger Games fanatic, you probably shouldn't read this post. I knew that I wanted to read these books when I heard about them a little over a year ago. I heard they were decent, and the raw grossness of the subject: kids killing kids, intrigued me in some sick way.

I didn't even try to get my hands on the first book until January of this year. As we all know I love, love, love films. I knew that if I didn't read The Hunger Games and then saw the movie, I would never go back to read the books. And it seemed pretty easy, there are only three books in the series. I decided to wait until I had  lighter week at work before I dove headfirst into the first book. Little did I know how addicting this series would truly be.

I barely wanted to get up to go to the bathroom while reading all three books. I literally devoured the first book in a little more than 36 hours while working a full day at work. I finished the whole series in under a week. I can honestly say that I am so glad I waited until all three books were out. I don't know how other fans, who read them in time, waited for the next book to be released.  I couldn't get over the characters, how well the plot was strung together and the imagery that Suzanne Collins had created. I am usually not that interested in futuristic things, but the ideas that she weaved together made the impossible possible, I fell in love with a futuristic series.

For all of you who have not read this series and are yet still reading this post...I commend you! But, I also truly think you should drop whatever you are doing and at least go and buy the first book (they are actually very reasonably priced!). You will not regret picking up a copy if you like to read at all. Each page leaves you wanting more, and if you are anything like me, you won't want to sleep until you have read all three.

I am so excited for the movie next week. Yes, I do have midnight passes. Eight days! I am hoping that the movie lives up to the expectations that have been carved out for it already with this amazing and poignant book series. I really enjoy all of the people who have been cast. I know that Jennifer Lawrence can hold her own as this strong character of Katniss Everdeen as well. There looks to be two issues from just watching trailers of the screenplay matching the book. I am hoping there isn't too much conflict.

I think that the cast of The Hunger Games got their first real taste of just how crazy fans are the other night at their premiere. I have been saying since I first picked up the book that this was going to be the next Twlight, as Twlight was the next Harry Potter. The characters are very genuine and no matter who you are, I think you can relate to all of them. The idea of the games gets inside your head and you walk around thinking what would happen if this situation took place during the games? Crazy to think that, but its true.

I am predicting a huge fan turnout and for this movie to skyrocket. If I am wrong, oh well, but I think this movie franchise is the next big one! With Twilight coming to an end next year, it is the perfect time for audiences to pick up on a new franchise and embrace it with open arms.

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