Friday, March 2, 2012

The Cherry On Top

Who doesn't love ice cream? And if you do, you probably love the cherry on top of a good sundae, right? Well that very important Cherry has been missing from a very important show. That show would be Desperate Housewives, and that cherry would be none other than Marc Cherry.

He is a genius writer who has written and been a very active part of Desperate Housewives since its very start, a little more than eight years ago. I honestly remember watching the pilot and knowing that I was witnessing television magic. My family has watched this show religiously the entire time it has been on the air. We have laughed, cried, and screamed at the television as Marc Cherry brought his great vision to life. We were there for every milestone and heartache: the tornado, the riot, the husbands forming the band, the plane crash resulting in the death of Carl <3, the bomb, the grocery store shooting and let's not forget all those epic season finales.

This season, Cherry decided to leave the show resulting in the writing, the show and the acting suffering severely. Honestly, I feel like the longer it has gone on this season, the worse it has become. The writers now are picking on little things and nuisances within the characters and forming whole episodes and plot lines based on those things. Characters are doing and saying things that I personally don't think Cherry would have ever created himself. The personality behind the show is now gone. It has left me and my family with a gaping hole and a less than mediocre Sunday night.

In fact a few weeks ago, I was so fed up with the whole show that I composed a tweet saying: "Where the hell is Marc Cherry??! Where are you? Your show sucks now #desperatehousewives #ruined." And then I attached the following picture:
 I am seriously hope that the show makes an improvement because there are only eight total episodes left in it's final season. I want the show to go out with a bang, and knowing Desperate Housewives it will truly involve a gun. Please, Marc Cherry put your good thoughts to use and bring us a good show that way. I am holding on to being somewhat blown away by the finale. It would suck for this show to go out on the sour note that it has been singing. Bring back Cherry! 

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