Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You Want That Warm Fuzzy Feeling?

If you're answer to the above question is yes, then you should seriously watch this week's Season Finale of Parenthood.

I have not been a loyal fan since its beginning, but I have been a faithful watcher for about a season and a half.  The dynamics that they manage to play out between these adult siblings is truly amazing. It is one of those shows, where you have to constantly remind yourself that these are not real people. The feelings are so genuine and the dialogue and raw emotion are so real, that I often find myself getting swept into the show completely. I have never managed to make it through an episode without tearing up or full out crying because the storylines are that rich. The depth that each of the actors brings to the television screen should truly be awarded.

The casting is truly amazing. Some of the people have been around the block a time or two doing various things they are known and cherished for. You have Craig T. Nelson and Lauren Graham for instance. If you loved Lauren Graham on Gilmore Girls you will love her here just as much. The character she seems to play looks a lot like Lorelai on the surface, but they are truly nothing alike deep down.  Even with the younger generation, Mae Whitman is a household name, acting since a very young age. The newcomers have really proved themselves as well.

If you aren't watching this show, but love a real drama, I would tune in. You could even watch the season finale and be brought up to speed almost. This finale especially did a really great job of wrapping up the season, while making me so anxious for the next storyline. If you have brothers or sisters or both, and you are over the age of 15, this show will be a home run for you.

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