Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bits & Pieces

Here is my bits and pieces post about Meryl. I know you all thought it would be over, but at least I am not blogging about the Oscars.

First up, Jennifer Aniston has a new dog. And you are all thinking, what the hec does that have to do with Meryl Streep? Well, she was picking between quite a few dogs, and when narrowing it down at the pound she couldn't make a decision. Aniston is a known dog lover, and she equated the choice of choosing her new dog with Sophie's Choice. For any of you who have never seen that movie, shame on you...and go watch it right now. The decision to pick the right pooch companion, can be hard, but I wouldn't totally make it equal to choosing which of your children you are going to let live. However, I still love Aniston and of course I love any Meryl reference that comes my way.

Next, Meryl did a really amazing thing this week for her fellow nominee. She donated 10,000 dollars to the school that Viola Davis attended growing up. That's a pretty humble and big thing to do if you ask me. She knew from Davis that the school was set to be shut down and she wanted to do something that she knew would be meaningful both to Viola, and to the children of that school.

Third, if you have not yet seen Jimmy Kimmel's Movie: The Movie, please look it up on youtube. Meryl is featured in the short film and so is everyone else in Hollywood! Check it out.

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