Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl 2012...or as others will call it: The Madonna Bowl

Alright. I am sure by now you are almost tired of hearing the recap of the Superbowl. I think the Superbowl is almost weird to recap because if you didn't watch it, there is a high probability that you really don't care. However, if you are reading this you obviously care about entertainment, so here is a little taste of what you may or may not have actually missed.

Best commercial:
This was a tie for me between the one with the baby and the grandma stealing the Doritos and the Hyundai commercial with the Rocky theme song. The first clip is here: Baby Slings Doritos . The second can be found here: Rocky Hyundai commercial

Worst commercial:
Honestly, this year there was not a lot of hit commercials in my opinion. Therefore, I am not going to name one commercial the worst one of last night's game.

Halftime show:
This halftime show was decent. Overall, it was better than in past years. I feel that for the most part Madonna was good, and I liked the guests that she brought along with her. Cee Lo's robe was epic, and I personally want one for my own outlandish outfits collection (why I do not actually have!). I loved Like a Prayer and much of the rest of it was good. However, it was completely obvious that everyone was lip-syncing. I completely understand both the need for this and the practicality, however, edit the track so it doesn't sound completely right off the record! Madonna's almost-fall, honestly scared me. I was negative about the show last night, but the more I have come to think about wasn't all bad. I wasn't impressed, but I guess I wasn't underpressed either. What did you think?

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