Monday, February 6, 2012

Countdown To My Official Predictions

As I previously mentioned, this year I am seeing all of the films nominated for best film at this year's Academy Awards. I am two steps closer to this goal as of this weekend. I have now seen Moneyball and The Descendants. Both of the main actors are also nominated in the Best Actor category along with Moneyball's Jonah Hill nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

First, I saw The Descendants, and honestly it was an epic film. It was amazingly well done, I really appreciated the way that the film was shot. It was up close and personal. As a member of the audience you really felt like you were looking into the lives of the characters. I cried through a lot of the film. It was one of those where the trailer did the film no justice. Which I actually love, and it made me love the film even more. There is nothing worse than a trailer that gives away the entirety of the film and leaves you wanting more in the audience. This was not the case with this movie. I enjoyed every second of it. I definitely think that this film has a huge chance of winning. There was so much depth and The Academy loves George! I can seriously see him taking the cake for his role as well.

Moneyball was an interesting one to me. I really enjoy baseball, I would say that it is my favorite sport to watch and to follow. I liked the film, but it was a dragger. You know what I mean, one of those films that you could cut about twenty minutes out of, and the film would actually be better for it. However, Brad Pitt was amazing as always and I will be shocked if Jonah Hill does not walk away with the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. I do not think this film will gain the award, but it was a good film anyway.

I would recommend seeing both of these films. See The Descendants with someone you don't care about crying in front of. See Moneyball with someone who doesn't mind if you skip a scene or two with your DVD remote.

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