Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm Back

I am officially a bad blogger, because I have not posted in close to a week! I am sorry faithful readers, I know there are so many of you out there on the edge of your seat waiting for my next post! ;)

Today's blog is going to be a hodge podge of things that I wanted to blog about all throughout the week and never made it to the computer to type it!

Up first: Whitney Houston is dead at the age of 48. I was randomly scrolling through my twitter feed when I saw a tweet from a friend about her death. I have to say that I didn't believe the news at first because there have been so many reports of death on twitter lately that have turned out not to be true. The weirdest one last week was a report from a website that Reba had fallen from a mountain and died. The person who read it of course typed it into a tweet and forced a lot of people into thinking the country queen was dead. Crazy how powerful your cell phone can be.

Anyway, the loss of Whitney is tragic and really makes my heart ache. She was so young and the fact that she fell into drugs was so crushing. Her beautiful voice and personality will always be remembered. I was reminded by my grandma tonight that this will be a huge game changer for the Grammy's, which are set to air tomorrow night. I wonder if right now there is a tribute being planned, it would only be fitting. I am guessing that if there is not some form of a tribute a major backlash will be sent their way. I know that I seem to be focusing on Houston's publicity and not her death, but please do not misunderstand what I am writing. I am deeply saddened, as is the rest of America by her loss, I feel that a tribute should be paid to honor her career and her life.

Second: I have received mixed reviews from telling this to people throughout the week, but this story is really bothering me. I understand the fame and fortune and being this star can be a lot too handle. I actually love this actor, his franchise and everything he stands for up until now. I completely think that people should clear their mind and if they want to air their personal business, go for it. But I have an exception to my rule on this case. Earlier, this week Daniel Radcliffe reported to a British magazine known as Heat that he was drunk during the film of the last three Harry Potter films. Now I am going to start here, I have been drunk before, and I am young; so I completely understand that he would be drunk on occasion. I have no problem with stars getting drunk because their lives are simply that, their own personal lives. I didn't even blink an eye when Daniel came out a few months ago and admitted that he drank heavily during the making of Harry Potter. What I do have an issue with is his choosing to tell this information now and admit that he is drunk within the actual movie scenes. What bothers me even more is the fact that children around the world are now looking at Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe and drinking in a distorted way. I think he should have saved his all telling revelation for a different time, say twenty years from now!

Last news for today: Go see The Vow! I went on Wednesday to see a pre-screening (thanks Mix 93.3!) with my sister. The movie was different than the trailers let on, but I enjoyed it just the same. I do not think you will need your kleenex for this one though. I am a weepy one when it comes to sappy and good films, and I didn't shed a tear. I think because the movie goes in a different direction that I assumed, I was caught off guard and didn't let my emotions catch up with me. However, it is a great drama and should be seen. Channing Tatum was so hot, and there is a scene where you get to see a lot of him. I am completely even more attracted to him because one shot he is lying on a couch and he has freckles all over his shoulders, can you say adorable? McAdams shines in this as she does in everything she has been in. She is truly shaping up to be a huge star and a powerhouse actress. I look forward to tracking her career.


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