Sunday, February 12, 2012

BAFTA Awards

I have two posts for you today. This first one is all about the BAFTA Award show. For those of you who are not familiar with BAFTA, let me give you a little background. It stands for British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Outside of the United States award shows, this is seen as the most prestigious worldwide. Actors and actresses alike covet this award almost as much as a Golden Globe or Oscar.

Best film this year went to The Artist. I think this is a huge step for this film. The BAFTA's can be strong predictors of what is to come for the Oscars. With just fourteen days, that's two weeks people, to the Oscars I am about to wet my pants with excitement! I really do think The Artist could take home the cake this year. If it doesn't, I can see the award being handed over to The Descendants.

No surprise who won for Leading Actress, none other than Meryl Streep! So proud of her as always. She had a graceful moment on her way to the stage when she lost her shoe! Quite the award season this is shaping up to be for Meryl. She left her glasses at her table at the Golden Globes, and now she lost her shoe...what could be in store for her at the Oscars? But Colin Firth was there to save the day for Meryl as her acted as her "prince charming" by not only retrieving her shoe, but also placing it back on her foot.

The awards as a whole were great! I would encourage you to check out some of the great clips that are available on 

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