Friday, February 24, 2012

No Loser for the Biggest Loser?!

Sources are saying that because of a new element added to the game, many of the remaining contestants of this season's Biggest Loser threatened to walk off the set and quit the show completely.

This season has been one for the books! From the fights off camera to last week's public blowout at the weigh-in, it has been a crazy show. I think NBC loaded themselves up with quite the cast of characters this season. Some of their personalities are very volatile, and they have ended up lashing out at one another. I think this has been made worse by the rules of the game this season. Normally, when Biggest Loser does couples seasons, the couple both train with the same trainer. Not this season, the rules were shook up when it was determined that each couple would be split, one person which each trainer. Dolvett has been on the show for only this season and the last. Last season, Bob and Dolvett were thick as thieves and fast friends. And believe me, I think that they still are, however they are playing up their act for the cameras. The fact that they are "fighting" and "competed" has caused even more tension in the house and in the weigh-ins.

I would hate for this season to be shut down! I think that a lot of really cool people are on this season even though there has been drama. What would the show be without some drama?! I do not think that the producers, or NBC are dumb enough to really call the whole season off. Apparently, they talked about sweetening the pot for old contestants from last season, by allowing them to come back on the show and compete for the title of the Biggest Loser. After just reading The Hunger Games my first reaction was a full on arena of Biggest Loser contestants! But, I doubt that this will ever come to be. I am sure that they will figure out things and work out the kinks. The season will most likely continue in the way originally planned.

The biggest thing that they should focus on is getting healthy, not on the money that they could win. Sure it is a perk, and if I was on the show I would probably feel the same way. To change the game in the middle of the season, by throwing that big of a wrench in it is kinda of crazy! I am hoping that everything will work on and the show will go on for a few more seasons.

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