Friday, February 24, 2012

"That Dingo Ate My Baby!"

In the beginning of January I blogged about my favorite Meryl Streep performances. One of those top seven performances was her playing the spine-tingling role of Lindy Chamberlain in A Cry in the Dark. If you have seen this movie you know it focuses on a true case that shook a family and a country in the 1980's. The Chamberlain family was camping when their baby daughter Azaria disappeared. The couple informed police that a dingo, a wild Australian dog, took the baby.

Well, of course the case went to court. Lindy Chamberlain was accused of murdering her own daughter by cutting her throat until she bled to death on the camping trip. The Chamberlain family and all their alibis stood with the story of the dingo taking the baby. Eventually, new evidence surfaced, a piece of Azaria's clothing with blood on it. Chamberlain was released from prison but never officially proven innocent.

The film was made into a very famous film, and in the film Meryl Streep played the role of Lindy Chamberlain. The film went on to make lots of money and the tagline: "That dingo ate my baby," spread like wildfire. It is a catchphrase that has been used in many sitcoms throughout the years.

What does this all mean now? Well, the case is being re-opened in order to prove Chamberlain, now Chamberlain-Creighton of her innocence. She and her ex-husband are all hoping to put the entire case to rest once and for all. This is crazy news that the case would be re-opened so many years later. Because of my age, I knew nothing of the case until I started my Meryl Streep venture to watch all of her films. The people behind the film obviously believe in Chamberlain because the movie shows from the very first scene that she is indeed innocent. I think no matter what side the film chose to take, I still would have believed that Chamberlain was innocent. I actually went back and watched old interviews and although Chamberlain was accused of having a "cold" personality, I never really thought that was true. I think she was a woman who was truly devastated about the disappearance and death of her daughter, that she didn't feel like being cheery to reporters and judges alike. And can you really blame her?

I am rooting for you Lindy!

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