Sunday, January 8, 2012

What movies will we be talking about this time next year?

As we are still embarking on this year's award season, I found myself wondering what films we will be talking about next year. So for today's blog I have compiled a list of what I think the most exciting movies of 2012 will be. Now, I can guarantee you that some of these movies will not even be considered for awards, but it's all in good fun.

1. The Iron Lady
I'm sure that everyone who reads my blog is sick and tired of hearing about this film. But I'm not done talking about it yet, by any means. This film is included in this year's award season, but oh well. With this film set to be released less than a week from now, excitement has really hit a peak. Everyone knows it features Meryl Streep, and at this point, she can do no wrong. Through the reading of many reviews, I have found that most critics say it does not historically match Margaret Thatcher's life but it does mirror her personal life and struggles with dementia in later years. I will definitely be seeing this on Friday. Watch the trailer here:

2. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
I really only need to say two things when it comes to this film, and I haven't even seen it yet: Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock.  Need I say more? I think not, needless to say I am very excited to see this film. It looks very intense, dealing with the after effects of 9-11 through the eyes of a young boy. From what I have heard, this young boy might be up for some award nods because of his spectacular performance. I can tell from the trailer that it's going to be a tear jerker, so I'm going to have to bring a box of tissues, but I'm in. Check out the trailer here, and try not to cry: 

3. The Woman in Black
This film is set to be released in February and features one of my other favorite actors, Daniel Radcliffe. I am certain that I will not be seeing this movie in theaters. The first time I saw the preview, I was with my sister, and I had to cover my eyes while she watched the last few seconds. It looks like your typical scary film, but what will draw in the big bucks is of course the name Daniel Radcliffe. Potterheads across the globe will do anything to see Daniel act again. Myself, I am dying to see it, but I need the comfort of my own home and a blanket to hide under when it gets too scary, redbox anyone?? Check it:

4. The Vow
Here is my number one pick for the romantic film of the year. This film stars Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. That's really all you need to know because guys love Rachel and girls love Channing. But with that aside the preview for this movie makes me cry buckets. Memory loss takes the stage when Paige (McAdams) wakes up from a coma and doesn't remember her own husband. Through a sappy montage in the trailer, you see Tatum's character trying desperately to bring their love back to life. When you go see this one, make sure its with a friend who you really aren't self conscious around, because you will probably have mascara running down your face in the first scene. If you haven't caught the trailer yet look here:

5. Dr. Suess' The Lorax
Who doesn't love the story of the Lorax? I can't think of anyone. After the great success of Horton Hears A Who!  in 2008, this film is sure to bring just as much fun. The best thing about Dr. Suess is the hidden lessons that are seen in his stories and now in the films. I'm all about hidden messages because kids understand them better, and let's be honest, most of us adults can use a good reminder every now and then as well. Some of the voices behind the characters include: Zac Efron, Taylor Swift and the ever famous Danny DeVito. Check it out in March of this year:

6. The Hunger Games
Aside from my love of movies, television and all things entertainment, I also really do love to dive headfirst into a good book. Which is why I am ashamed to say, that I have not yet read The Hunger Games series. Despite that making me a failure, I have heard wonderful things and could not be more excited to see the film. The trailer gave me chills the first time I saw it. I have a feeling that this will be a huge contender for best picture next year. Watch the trailer and let me know if you agree:

7. Titanic 3-D Release
"I'll never let go Jack!" Those words became famous over ten years ago when Titanic came out. So why am I repeating them now? Maybe because of the greatest films of all time is going to be re-released in 3-D. All I can say is: yes please!! I know this isn't an official movie of 2012, with it being a re-release, but I couldn't help myself.  I saw this film when it came out, and I was seven years old. That is way too young to deal with the issues in this movie, but oh well. Nevertheless, it has always been one of my favorite movies. My favorite character has always been Molly Brown played by Kathy Bates. It's an oldie but a goodie, and now with James Cameron's success with Avatar, I don't see why this re-release won't bring in gobs and gobs of money. Will you go? If not, at least watch the trailer and feel like it's the 1990's for 2 minutes and 10 seconds:

8. The Dark Knight Rises
I don't think I could be any more excited for this film if I tried. I loved The Dark Knight and this film looks like it has met the challenge of being even better than the first. This go around, Anne Hathaway has been added to the cast. If you haven't seen the preview for this, I'm not kidding, watch it right now. You won't be sorry. I watched it twice in a row the first time I saw it because it looks that good.

9. Les Miserables
My favorite musical of all time written by Victor Hugo is coming back to the big screen. So many great stars have already been signed on such as, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Hugh Jackman and Helena Bonham Carter and there are still more to come. It's coming to theaters in December of this year, but it will be worth the wait.  The music of this musical will literally make me sing in the theater, I am sure of that. There is no trailer yet, but wait patiently.

10. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Again, this one is going to be a long wait, but well worthwhile from the looks of the trailer. I love Ian McKellen so anything he touches turns to gold. This film takes place before The Fellowship of the Ring when Bilbo Baggins first gets the ring from Gollum. If it is anything like the rest of the films then its going to be good. I just saw the trailer this morning and I knew that I would put it on this list. Check it out: 

I had trouble picking just ten films for this list. 2012 is shaping up to be a good year at the box office. What will you see?

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