Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The not so good, the bad and the ugly

Ok, so up until now I think this blog has had a pretty positive and upbeat note. Now, I'm going to change that up a little today. I hope I don't lose any readers, not that I am even sure I have that many. But I have been wanting to do a post for some time now that focuses on the five worst movies.

I think everyone who enjoys movies, which I am pretty sure is almost every human being, has their list of the top five worst movies in their head. We all have different opinions when it comes to genres, actors, actresses, and the like. So naturally, when it comes to our favorite movies and our least favorite movies, the lists tend to be very different.

I thought it might be fun if I showed my least favorite five and then you can can comment on what you think. And remember, this is just my opinion and I promise not to be too harsh.

5. Doctor Zhivago
My brother, my sister and I have all grown up hating this movie. I think the reasoning behind it is when we saw the movie to begin with. My whole family used to go up to Maine every summer and stay in a little cottage that is more equivalent to a very large shack. Despite that fact, the cottage has always been very dear to my family's heart and to mine as well. When we would stay in the cottage our parents, grandparents and sometimes aunts would all gather in the little tiny family room and put on Dr. Zhivago. We were kids and bored, and since it was nighttime we couldn't go outside and play in the woods or swim in the lake on our own. The movie also lasts for what seems like an eon of time, but is officially 3 hours and 17 minutes (I know because I checked my sources, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059113/ ). Needless to say this movie comes in as number 5 for me. I know what you are thinking, I should give it another chance as an adult. But I have to tell you, that will not be happening!

4. Dances with Wolves
Kevin Costner stars in this film that focuses on one man and his adventures during the time of the Civil War. Now, to be completely honest, I have no interest in wars or studying them. That being said, I have actually sat through this movie and watched it completely. And I still say, that it is horrifically boring. Don't get me wrong, Kevin Costner is a great actor. That's not the problem to me, its the writing. It drags on and on and just when you think you can't stand it anymore, it just goes on! My advice, don't watch it!

3. The Aviator
Now, I have a feeling I am going to catch a lot of grief for this one. I know that is is based on Howard Hughes' life and so the plot and writing can not be changed too much. However, I don't believe that Leonardo DiCaprio was the right choice for this film. Let me also say, that I am a huge DiCaprio fan (if that isn't obvious reading my post about Titanic 3-D on Sunday!). Maybe I just saw this movie at the wrong time or I didn't pay attention well enough, but I just saw it as so depressing that it wasn't worth watching. The ending of the movie where he is locked in a room for so long just depressed me and there seemed to be no redeeming quality or situation.

2. Dear Frankie 
The storyline of this movie is what puts it on this list for me. A single mother responds as her son's father through a series of letters to her son. The letters go on for years and the son truly believes that his father is writing to him and that they have a relationships through these letters. The mother then hires someone to pose as her son's father and you can probably figure out the ending to the film. When I saw this movie, I was in the mood for a good mood film with a cheery ending. I didn't even need the acting to be top quality, and honestly it's not up to par in this film. I was instead let down and the idea behind the story line depressed me more than I wanted to admit. I felt so sorry for this fictional boy and the film became more and more boring, that I honestly never made it to the very ending of the movie.

1. Little Black Book
This movie is just poor writing and an overuse of a topic. A woman (Brittany Murphy) sneaks through her boyfriends "little black book" to find out who he has been with before her. The book is extensive and she goes through it woman for woman. The plot line has never directly been used but the point behind it has been seen time and time again. Secondly, the writing is weak. The weirdest thing about this film is that Carly Simon, yes the famous singer, comes out of nowhere at the end of the film; almost as if the writers knew they need to save the film from a violent crashing and burning. Carly Simon is great, but even she couldn't save this film. Try it out for yourself if you don't believe me.

So, there you have it! That's my list, if you don't agree, that's completely fine with me! I encourage you to comment with your list of the top five worst movies in your opinion!!  


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