Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Own Road to The Oscars

Since it is Oscar season, I am going to take a journey that will lead me to being informed completely on the night of the awards. I have decided to see all of the films nominated for best film. Yesterday, I hit two birds with one stone. I saw both Hugo and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

I saw Hugo first and I have to say I was not that excited. I did not read the book and so I didn't truly understand the hype behind it being made into a film. I was however, excited to see Chloe Moritz act, because I have heard she is epic and I always love Ben Kingsley. The film was packed on a Saturday at 1:25. I took my youngest sister and we ended up loving the film. The best cast member in my opinion was Sacha Baron Cohen as the Station Inspector. The movie as a whole is so much deeper than it appears from the trailer. I don't want to give away anything for those who want to see it.

But I do want to include a quote that really spoke to me. It is said by Hugo Cabret: "I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason. " I think this quote can speak to everyone, especially children who the book and film were created most for. I do not think this will win for best film, because the stakes are extremely high this year. But, I am glad that I saw it.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close provides an environment exactly as it is stated. The film will strike everyone in a deep way because it involves Tom Hank's character dying in 9/11. It makes you feel incredibly close to the trauma again and it is extremely loud in a way that you cannot understand until you see the film. Sandra Bullock plays Hank's wife and I am honestly surprised that she did not receive a supporting actress nod from any award show for this role. She was amazing. But what was truly amazing, and those words seem truly weak to describe him, was Thomas Horn. This child has had no previous acting experience and he shines in this movie.

If you don't see any other movie this year, you should see this one. It's epic in a way that words cannot truly state. Even though I haven't seen all of the nominated films yet, I have to say this is my top vote. The issue that it puts forth is so realistic and yet magical at the same time. The dynamics of the relationship between the characters are so deep, well thought out, and most of all genuine. Run to the theater, I tell you RUN!

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