Thursday, January 26, 2012

Top Searched Movies & Stars

I stumbled upon this when searching for a blog topic and it struck me as perfect. I don't know how many of you are like me but I use more than I use Google. iMDB for me is the best place to get all of my information, both for my blog and for my own personal entertainment. 

Thousands of people are on iMBD every day and these lists have been created based on how much an film or actor has been searched throughout the past ten years. Most of them are things are easy to guess for people tuned in pop culture, but it interesting to look behind the movies and actors presented to find out what these lists truly mean.

(The following lists are provided by
Top Films of the Last 10 Years:
1. The Dark Knight
2. Donnie Darko
3. Pulp Fiction
4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
6. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
7. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
8. Twilight
9. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
10. The Godfather

Top Stars of the Last 10 Years:
1. Johnny Depp
2. Brad Pitt
3. Angelina Jolie
4. Tom Cruise
5. Natalie Portman
6. Christian Bale
7. Scarlett Johansson
8. Jennifer Aniston
9. Keira Knightley
10. Emma Watson

I find it interesting and thrilling that out of the top ten films, three of them are Harry Potter films. As I write this blog I am watching an ad on television for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I am realizing once again, just how much Harry Potter has taken over the globe. That might sound like a strong and loaded statement, but truly any item can be made into a HP one and the franchise will be everywhere we look for quite some time. For me and other Potterheads that is exciting, if you are not one of those people, I am truly and deeply sorry. Again on the Top Stars list, we see Emma Watson as number 10. To me she is a fascinating person and truly has grown up in the public eye. I am paying close attention, as is much of the world, to what she will decide to do next. I hope to see her in films and productions for years to come. 

Two of the stars on the list are both from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. I think this proves that series movies and the actors who act in them are truly idolized. I hate to say this, but without the Pirates franchise I do not believe that Keira Knightley would have made the list at all. She is a great actress but she has not done enough, other than these films, to be put on the top 10 map. 

My other favorite feature of the Top Stars list highlights a love triangle: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston. As a HUGE Aniston fan, everything from FRIENDS to Rumor Has It is great to me. However, how can you not love Angelina after seeing her in The Changeling or watching her with Johnny Depp in The Tourist? This triangle ended up on the list probably because of the existence of the triangle. I hate to say that, because when you look at these actors individually they are all each so extremely talented. But tabloids sell, we all flip through them when we stand in the grocery lines. I wish they were being recognized for their work, but it seems to be for the personal scandal line instead. 

Lastly, eight of the top ten films are series films. What does that say about the kind of fans that series generate? What does that say about Americans and other countries and what kind of movies we like to watch? I think it all comes down to how much individuals invest in characters today. I know myself, I have been criticized and made fun of because I invest too much emotionally into characters in films and in books. I have always been this way and so have many of you, I am imagining. Therefore, we love to read the books and watch the films that have sequels and beyond because it gives us the chance to develop relationships with the characters and watch them grow to face demise, love, heartbreak and sometimes success.

This list is interesting. I wonder what actors and films will make the list ten years from now.

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