Friday, December 28, 2012

Silver Linings Playbook

Bradley Cooper is phenomenal. I have said it before and I will say it again. He is great. But he is more than great in his new film Silver Linings Playbook. I am so glad to see that he is nominated for a Golden Globe. He has come so far in his career and I knew that this film would be the one to push him to the nomination level.

The film itself is fantastic. It has a mix of everything and changes pace a lot, which sounds confusing but in fact is refreshing. The cast as an ensemble is well-talented and well assembled. They play off of one another very well and all portray a family stepping around mental illness. Pat (played by Cooper) has just been released from a mental illness hospital after attacking and beating the man his wife was having an affair with. He suffers from bipolar disorder and is trying to make the most of his life so that he can gain his wife back. Pair all that with father's (Robert De Niro) obsession and OCD about the Philadelphia Eagles and you have a lot to take on with acting. Both De Niro and Cooper are convincing in the role of father and son. But the best duo in the film is Pat and Tiffany (played by Jennifer Lawrence). The two make an unlikely pair, both suffering with different issues in their lives but somehow striking a chord with each other.

I don't want to give away too much of the film, but the connection between Pat and Tiffany seems to be the only thing saving both of them. As they enter into a dance competition they realize what's important in their lives and how to cope with the issues that they have. Other cast members include Julia Stiles, Jacki Weaver, and Chris Tucker. If you are into watching all things that are nominated then of course you will be seeing this one. If your not that person then don't overlook this film because it isn't getting a lot of other attention. The film is brilliant and stands alone in it's time. You will not regret the choice to see it. 

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