Saturday, December 29, 2012

One Year of Jentertainment: My One Year Anniversary

Yesterday was a very exciting day, and today is even better. As of yesterday, my blog turned one year old; as of today we are in year two of Jentertainment. It's hard to believe that I have been writing this blog for a whole year. I can't believe that I have been pouring my ideas, feelings and quirks into these posts for 365 days. I still remember the first post I wrote all about Alan Rickman getting jipped from the awards circuit last year. I didn't think it would gain any attention and that I was just putting words into a format so I could see what it looked like. Or at least that's what I thought at the time. When I look back upon that post now, as I did a week ago in preparation, I see excitement, enthusiasm and diligence. That one blogpost has better writing than some that I wrote a week ago. That doesn't mean I care any less now, it just means that I was more than ready to be talking and typing about what I am passionate about. I love entertainment and I am beyond words to try to explain how happy I am to be an entertainment blogger.

One year later, I am still so excited and my enthusiasm for this blog has not died. Sure, some days I can't always find something to blog about right away. But that's because I still have that fresh desire to make this blog good for all you loyal readers out there. This year has been a year for me to remember and much of what has happened to me is because of this blog and connections that I have been able to make.

I moved this year and settling into a new place always makes me crave one thing: routine. This blog has given more routine than you will ever know. I love to blog everyday if possible and the whole experience of staring at a blank screen and then creating words that flow together is kind of spiritual in a way. This blog has given me something to do and more importantly something to improve. It's become a part of who I am.

I have also gained many unique opportunities after starting this blog. The first would be pre-screenings of films. The first time this happened I won tickets on the radio (Mix 93.3) to see The Lucky One. Then I started calling all the time hoping to win again. I would call into the morning talk just to give my opinions and sooner or later I was fed into a website called I set up an account and started to get more invites to local pre-showings that were not filled. Then came my invitation to see The Hunger Games a day before the midnight premiere. As I recounted to you that day in a post, that experience is one that my sister and I will never forget. It made it all the better that we still had tickets for the midnight showing because I did my first Jentertainment interviews. Since moving I have been attending  a lot more pre-showings, which has enabled me to give you guys a sneak peek into the world of upcoming movies.

This year I also saw Meryl Streep on The View and Giuliana Rancic speak in Stamford, CT. While I know you are tired of hearing about these events, they seriously have shaped my life. Starting this blog a year ago and writing a week's worth of posts about Meryl movies was amazing. But I never dreamed that I would come anywhere close to seeing her on a television show. That dream can be checked off my list. I only hope in future years of Jentertainment that I can meet her and express my thanks for her being an inspiration to me and to this blog. Giuliana Rancic has also been a major inspiration to me. Her talk in Stamford was about always seeing the positive in your life, something that she has openly struggled with in her last year of being diagnosed with breast cancer. I was crying sitting there listening to her talk and I was awestruck with one emotion: hope. I have hope that one day this blog can turn into more. Don't get me wrong, I love writing for all of you readers out there. Wherever you sit in the world reading my silly little posts, top ten lists and movie reviews I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would love for Jentertainment to lead to new opportunities for me, bigger and better; and I know that will take place in 2013 and beyond! 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you write this blog! Keep it up!
