Thursday, December 27, 2012

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

I got a challenge within a Christmas present this year. My sister is a huge supporter of my blog, I refer to  her as my PR manager. She always comes up with fun things to do or ways to add to my following (check out our new pins on pinterest!). This year one of my Christmas presents was the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. She told me that I have ten years to see all the films. I said: "challenge accepted!" This isn't the first time that she has given me a challenge. A few years ago when I became a superfan of Meryl Streep she got tired of hearing about how great I thought she was. So she told me to watch all of Streep's films in a year. I did it, and never regretted it.

I am so excited for this new challenge. A decade to complete it will be more than enough time. I know that many of you have probably seen this book before, and so you know what I am walking into. I have seen a whopping 113 films, so I am coming right above 10% done. I welcome the experience and the knowledge that it will bring me. Really, I am going to become a more knowledgeable blogger, so all of you will benefit as well. If I think the movie deserves it's rank in the book I will let you know and vice versa. Buckle up, because there are gonna be a lot of review posts coming your way! If you want to follow along with me, I am going to tweet from my account @jentertainment7 which movies I watch before I view them. click here to buy the book

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