Tuesday, May 8, 2012

John Travolta is in the Hot Seat

For those of you who caught entertainment news on Friday or Monday, chances are that you found out about the lawsuit filed against John Travolta. An anonymous masseur is suing Travolta for sexual harassment and battery. He claims that he was hired for a private meeting by Travolta. The masseur claims that John himself picked him up in a black car and that he was taken to a hotel room for a two hour session with Travolta. He filed that the first hour of the session went off without a hitch and then things got weird.

This news all broke on Friday when the lawsuit was filed. Now, a second masseur is coming forward and filing a similar lawsuit against Travolta.

This all seems crazy, and I will admit that when I first heard the news, I immediately in my head thought that's untrue. However, I am now pretty skeptical and when looking into more detail on the case, I am leaning more toward believing the anonymous men who are filing the lawsuits. John Travolta has been hinted at being gay and hiding that fact in his marriage to Kelly Preston for many years. However, there has never been any reason to truly call him out on the ordeal. You would think that a person as infamous as Travolta would know to cover his tracks if this is all really true, and he was concerned about the public eye finding out. Either way, this is getting to be pretty shady! Travolta's lawyer has released a statement calling both lawsuits "totally false" and "fabricated." Why use the word fabricated is the situation never happened?! His lawyer states that Travolta was not even in the state of California during the time that the first plaintiff is claiming the massage took place. I believe that and I am sure that his lawyers will be able to find plenty of documentation to back up that claim. So, why use the word fabricated, it's definition is: to devise or invent from a situation.

Seems a little sketchy, but of course I hope everything works out with John's favor. He is well known and loved by many across the world, including my family. Good luck John!

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