Friday, April 20, 2012

Top Ten Movies to Watch With Your Sweetie

If you just saw my last post, you know that The Lucky One will not be gracing this list. I thought this would be a fun top ten list to write about since I wrote about breakup films earlier in the week. This little is really hard to come up with because some many couples have different personalities and therefore like completely different types of films. However, this is my personal opinion. Take it or leave it.


If you are wanting to take the comedy route:
Wedding Crashers
Friends With Benefits
Both of these will interest both you and your significant other. In both films there is plenty of comedy that is entertaining for both males and females. Plus, hot people in each film. You will laugh and spend a quiet night in.

If you are looking for action, but as the girl you don't want to be bored stiff:
Casino Royale
Jerry Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
This Means War
All of these films have fabulous acting, some of the best in the business from Tom Cruise to Daniel Craig to Angelina Jolie and Reese Witherspoon. They are all good options, my personal favorite being This Means War

Sometimes you need a good romantic film:
Up Close and Personal
Dirty Dancing
Love Actually
All of these films make me cry a little, but as we all know by now, I cry easily. However, each of them bring something different to the table and they are all classics.

Lastly, if you are looking for something dark and twisted:
The Manchurian Candidate
This film is amazing, plus it stars Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep. It is honestly one of the best crafted films I have seen and definitely in my top ten. Its a great date movie because you have to figure out the plot line and it is just twisted enough to make you scared. 

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