Saturday, April 21, 2012

Top Ten Action Movies For Girls

This list isn't just for girls but it's my list of movies that are action based that I still find very interesting. I am a person who likes the majority of films that I see. I also like most genres of film as well. But I think girls can all admit that some action movies are really hard for us to get into and enjoy. So, here's the list.

1. The Dark Knight
This film is amazing. The special effects are brilliant and it is a get inside your head kind of film. The first time I saw it I started the film around 12:45 at night and I had to stay up to finish the film because it was that enticing and engaging. Best of all, Michael Cain is in it! 
2. Inception
All I can say about this film is that if you don't enjoy it, then you are crazy! First off, Leonardo Dicaprio graces us with his superb acting presence once again. Secondly, Ellen Page breaks her acting mold and her performance is flawless. The action is stunning and once again the storyline is what will keep you bound to the film.
3. True Lies
The Arnold and Jamie Lee Curtis star as husband and wife in this film. It is beyond impressing and the storyline once again is rich. That's the real element that needs to be in an action movie for most girls to enjoy it. This film won't let you down.
4. Unknown
This film is a little bit more of a thriller, but there is still plenty of action. You will find yourself cringing at some parts but the acting is breathtaking. It stars Liam Neeson as a doctor who is accused of not being who he says he is. 
5. Crash
Crash is one of those movies that involves and intertwines many different stories. This film could be taken as a drama, but once again it can fit under the category of action as well. The main players in this are excellent. You have so many good names from Sandra Bullock to Don Cheadle to Jennifer Esposito. The coolest aspect is that it all takes place over a thirty six hour time span. 
6. The Pelican Brief
Love, love, love this movie and always have. Stars the best...Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts. So good, you will be hooked from the intro. Watch out for the scene in the parking garage though, I was scared to be alone in them after watching this movie. 
7. Double Jeopardy 
The first and only time I saw this movie I was about fifteen. It is a thriller/action film and the images have always stuck with me. I don't think it is as scary as I remember, but the characters I will always remember. It will make you jump and Ashley Judd shines in her role. 
8. Speed
Who doesn't love Speed? If you have never seen it, it's a must. Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock both light up the screen as they race to keep a city bus above 50 mph so that a bomb does not implode and kill everyone around them. 
9. Boondock Saints
A pair of twin brothers are trying to get rid of an evil gang in Boston without being caught by the FBI themselves. It is gory, but its well worth it. 
10. The Hurt Locker 
This movie is not for the fainthearted. Definitely do not plan on eating snacks during this film either. I sat up straight during this film and would not take my eyes from the screen. Engaging would be an understatement. A bomb squad and their journey is all I am going to tell you. 

That's it for top ten week!

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