Friday, April 18, 2014

Scandal Season 3 Finale

Watching Scandal last night was the usual experience: fast heart rate, me yelling at the television, an unexpected death, talk of jam (which I am still holding out for), Maya Pope being a freak and Sally trying to run the world. The show that always surprises did surprise again, but not in all the ways that I thought it would.


I was completely blindsided by Jerry's death. However, I still think that he could have been Big Jerry's son. Leo had the test results in one of the previous episodes and he could have tampered with them, or Olivia could have switched them after the death to ease the pain. That could definitely come into play next season.

Speaking of next season everything seemed dipped in a note of finality. Thankfully the mystery of whether or not Harrison is alive, or whether Maya will really be killed are hanging us out to dry for the summer. But Olivia and Jake running away to "stand in the sun together," while Mellie and Fitz mourn the loss of their son seemed wrapped up with a bow. I am wondering how Shonda Rimes is going to kickstart next season. She has the Mama and Papa Pope issues to deal with but how is she going to get Olivia to come back?!

The craziest part of the season finale last night was my realization that there are many Scandal characters that are Harry Potter characters re-incarnated. The idea may seem trivial at first, but lets match them up.

  • Olivia Pope is Harry Potter:
    • Don't laugh, her speech last night had Harry walking into the Forbidden Forrest to face his death written all over it. "I'm fixing this. I have been over every option. I have looked at it from every angle. And I have hoped and prayed that I was wrong. I have tried to pretend that I didn't know what the answer is. But I do.  So now its time for me to stand in my truth. It's me. I'm the thing that needs to be fixed." Harry has a similar experience/conversation with Ron and Hermione. He walks away to face death as Olivia walks away to face the end of her career and her life as she knows it. However, the key difference is that Harry was truly a Horcrux and needed to surrender that part of himself, but Olivia is being conned into thinking that she is truly the piece that needs to be "fixed" by Eli. Stupid Eli, who I wanted to believe had actually changed and was better than this. Which brings me to my next comparison. 
  • Eli Pope (Papa Pope) is Voldemort:
    • All throughout the HP Franchise I silently loved Voldemort. I have come to love Papa Pope, and I mean I loved him before most people did. Most fans have fallen under his spell just in time to get tricked by him last night. I admit that I was tricked as well, but I truly wanted to believe that since Olivia went to him and asked him to be a dad that things could be different. But he is a mastermind which a sick vengeance death grip. The sickest part is that he should have killed Maya when he had the chance. She is sitting in that hole, but we all know it's not the end of that story. Will she escape? Will he let her out because they are actually working together? All good theories that unfortunately we will have to sit with the entire summer. 
  • Sally Langston is Dolores Umbridge
    • I admit, not every character is a true match-up. But this one is dead on. Who honestly likes Sally Langston?! She's terrifying, even scarier than Mama Pope and the way she runs around thinking she is entitled to the Presidency is disturbing. Admit wanted her to be inside the church and die when the bomb exploded?! And then her crusade of being the fixer in the aftermath was awful and dead-on Dolores Umbridge. Her stature, look and attitude have Dolores written all over it. Too bad she didn't tell herself: "I must not tell lies." Maybe that's how she will tell the nation she killed her husband with a letter opener. 
There's my connections and review of the day. I'm seriously dreading waiting until September to find out what happens. If you are like me you might spend the summer re-watching seasons 1, 2 and 3 to get your fix! 

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