Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I just saw something so inspiring that I had to write about it right away. Maybe you will click the link below and feel nothing and think that I'm crazy, but I am pretty sure that will not be the case. Maroon 5 just released their new music video for their song "Daylight." The song itself is great, but the video has morphed into a message for mankind. It's a message about not taking things for granted and being the person you know you should be. As people we are all the same and yet all very different. I know that doesn't sound like it can be true because same and different are opposites. But the more you think upon we are all the same: we all have feelings, we all have ambitions and we all want to make something out of our lives. We are also all different with different experiences, backgrounds and beliefs. It's not like this music video is going to change the world, but I would bet money that it will change how you think about the world for a day if not a couple. Check it out and pass it on:

Daylight Music Video

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