Wednesday, December 12, 2012


As we all know, or will realize as soon as you finish reading this sentence that today is 12/12/12. A day that will never happen again. Sounds cool enough and a lot of people are taking advantage of the date by getting married today or hoping that their baby is born. But three famous men with a lot of power in the entertainment industry have also taken advantage of this date. Harvey Weinstein, James Dole (Madison Square Garden Company) and John Sykes have put together a benefit concert for Hurricane Sandy Relief. That concert will air tonight and trust me with the details that I know, you do not want to miss this show. Some of the highlights include:

Billy Joel
Alicia Keys
The Who
Paul McCartney
Adam Sandler
Kanye West
and much more...

These guys are the same people who ten years ago rafted the major relief concert for 9/11 that raised a boatload of money. That is the hope for this concert as well. Tune in tonight and see these powerful star perform for a great cause.

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