Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kate's Problem

I am sure that you have heard about these topless photos of Kate Middleton that surfaced on the cover of a French magazine yesterday. It's a horrible thing for the couple to realize that their privacy was infringed so badly when they are on a tour of Asia.

Basically the break down of the story goes like this. Kate and William were on vacation and a photographer snuck up on them and snapped some inappropriate pictures and then put them on the front cover of a magazine. I think this is horrible. In fact when I was driving home from work yesterday and I heard the news on the radio. I thought someone had their facts wrong. Who would ever think that this would happen to Kate Middleton, the classiest person probably on the face of the planet.

The couple will be taking legal action against the magazine and the editor. I heard that the palace and the queen are none to happy about this. It's crazy to think that a few weeks ago the news was all about Harry running around in Vegas. No one cared about that. I understand that this is very different because of its publication and the millions of people we are talking about it. However, this was an invasion of privacy and I just feel very sorry for William and especially Kate right now! They need a better security team. 

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