Sunday, September 30, 2012

200th Celebration

In celebration of my 200th post, instead of writing about the newest celebrity scandal or Meryl's latest antics...I decided to tell you more about myself so that you can see inside the blogger.

I was born in Connecticut in 1989, so technically I will forever be an eighties baby. I lived in Connecticut until I was 7. I kicked it with my dad back then and my older brother. Then my dad got remarried and I got a fabulous sister (who is my PR manager) and the most amazing mom you could ever ask for. Seriously, she is the one who inspired this whole blog, so if you are thankful for this...then your gratitude is for her. And if you aren't grateful, then just stop reading this. 

My whole family moved to Princeton, New Jersey in 1997. When I was ten my family moved a town over to Hamilton, New Jersey. We lived there for the next ten years. My parents then adopted my youngest sister from Vietnam. She truly is the light of my life and I love her to pieces. Jersey was a good decade in my life and I will forever be a Jersey girl. I really consider that to be where I "grew up." I had my most life-defining moments there. I read my first copy of People Magazine and became obsessed with movies in that house. I was always involved with drama productions in middle school and high school, but I was always a behind the scenes person. I think that is part of what sparked me to become so in love with movies. I really love to know what makes the actors tick and to study their individual filmography. 

When I was a senior in high school my family moved to Kansas. For all of you who live on a coast (east or west) this has got to be shocking to you. But, I really came to love the midwest in the five and a half years that I lived there. It was an awesome experience. I went to college studying elementary education at William Jewell College. It's a tiny little school nestled on a beautiful hilltop that no one has really ever heard of. I taught a year of fourth grade upon graduating in 2011 in Kearney, Missouri. An equally small town, but one of my most amazing and worthwhile experiences to date. 

Me and my siblings 

Me, Ben, Grace and Cassie. 
My sister and I. I'm on the right. 

Just this summer I moved back to Connecticut. You could say that I am coming full circle, and yes I do hope to move never again! I just wanted to give all of my loyal readers a taste of the real me. You can see my personality seeping through in my various posts, but its always cool to get a deeper look! 

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