Saturday, March 10, 2012


As I sit here watching It's Complicated a movie all about divorce and what to do afterward, I just read on about yet another Hollywood divorce! This time it's Dennis Quaid and his wife Kimberly. Apparently she is the one filing saying that their personalities don't mesh.

The couple was always cute and when they married in 2004, most of Dennis' fans were pretty happy. They made headlines when their twins almost died from an overdose of drugs in a hospital right after they were born. They got a huge settlement from the whole ordeal not to mention most of their fans were crazy with adoration for the couple and their almost-terrible loss.

I am sure that Dennis will find someone else. The twins are reported to be in shared custody by both of their parents. Before this marriage Dennis was married to Meg Ryan and his very first marriage was to P.J. Soles. Other than his twins he has one son named Jack, from his relationship with Meg.

I have to say, this kind of makes me excited. I know that sounds and looks bad but I have always had a thing for Dennis Quaid. I have always referred to him as my "Old Man Hollywood Hottie." My mom and I are both kind of obsessed with his good looks. What always gets me is the scene at the very end of The Parent Trap walking into the room with his blue sweater and trench coat. Yum, is really all I have to say.

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