Monday, March 19, 2012

Missing the Departed

Just got finished watching the newest episode of Desperate Housewives. As I blogged about a few weeks ago I have felt really horrible as a viewer this season. It has not been up to par because the magic of Marc Cherry, the infamous writer, has been missing.
Last week one of the main characters was set up to die. I knew I wouldn't be watching the episode in time so I avoided anything on twitter, facebook and any other media because I didnt want to find out who was killed. Little did I know that the radio program I listen to in the morning would be discussing the fictional death of Mike Delfino.
If you are a watcher of the show, you will know all about Mike and Susan. The two are a great couple and honestly, I have always been a major fan of their romance. All of the times that they have almost broken up I have been so upset. We all know how I feel about fictional characters. Now, thankfully, Mike and Susan have been happily married for many years of the show.
Mike is killed by a loan shark. I knew this going into the watching of both episodes: his death and his funeral. What I did not know was how much I would be upset by it. The killing itself was graphic for DH. I think that is another thing about Cherry being gone. He always killed people off, good or bad, but he always did it with dignity and not too much gore. This was actually pretty gore. The funeral episode really made me feel as though Cherry himself wrote it. It included a lot of flashbacks and I think that is the reason his presence seemed to be linked throughout the episode.
Throughout all of the seasons of this truly fabulous show, we have had to watch many characters die. That being so, my family has developed a different memoriam for each character who has passed on. We were particularly upset by Carl and that was the first character who was inducted into our Desperate Housewives Hall of Fame. Whenever Carl's name is brought up in the show we repeat his name, kiss our fingers and point them to the sky. Yes, this seems incredibly stupid, and I can tell you that we don't care what you think. This show for us has been such a bonding experience and I know it has been for other families as well.
That all being said, Cherry is a fabulous writer with a real gift for dramatic storytelling. That storytelling piece is what has been missing this season. But going inside the raw emotions of dealing with a funeral and knowing that if this was in fact real life, these characters would truly be going through the same motions and having the same emotions, made it feel as though Cherry was sitting their watching the funeral with you.
My mom, sister and I are truly obsessed, if that isn't obvious since I have now posted twice about this show and I am obviously obsessed with the previous writer. We plan on having a huge series finale party in which we all dress up as a character. I am designated to be Lynette and you know that I won't disappoint! Getting my Scavo's pizzeria shirt as we speak! Keep watching DH'ers! Only four new episodes left. Do you think Bree will be convicted!?

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