Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oscar Frenzy!

The contagious hype is finally reaching the rest of the world! You all know that I have been writing and talking about it for months at this point, but the world is finally turning its attention to the Oscar's. I am obviously extremely excited for the creme' da la creme' of award shows!

With this week being Oscar's week, a lot of news is finally surfacing with official predictions as to who will win various awards. Some of the odds match my predictions, while others make mine fall short. I still encourage all of you to go ahead and play along by casting your own predictions on Other websites also offer various games that you can play live the night of the event and chat rooms. If you are a voracious fan like me, I may see you on one of those sites.

First, it looks as though my beloved Meryl might not win. It looks like the odds are in Viola's favor for Best Actress. This would be absolutely huge for Viola, and if you look back at my second post ever, I spoke a lot about my love and adoration for Viola. Last week, I viewed Oprah's Oscar Special on the OWN Network. Let me tell you, she is truly an inspiring person. Her ability to twist her situation growing up into a positive experience now, is truly awesome. She is an extremely gifted actress, who unfortunately has been pushed into the shadows for years because of her race and lack of stature in Hollywood. But no more, whether she takes that Oscar on Sunday night or not, she will be able to say that she was in the ranks. This will, and probably already has opened huge doors for her in her career. I think for her, it is more about the doors she has opened for other women than herself. If you get a chance to look up some clips from the special, do so. I was crying in awe of this amazing human being. Listening to her speak, is like being lucky enough to listen to someone who makes you want to be a better person yourself. I understand more than ever now, why Meryl herself is so inspired and in awe of Viola Davis. Either way, I will raise my glass to either one for a job well done!

Another heated race is turning out to be the one for Supporting Actress. Two truly good friends are the frontrunners. I have no idea who will take the cake. My prediction is for Octavia Spencer. However, the officials seem to be saying that the race is between Spencer and McCarthy, leaning toward McCarthy. McCarthy is nominated for Bridesmaids while Spencer is nominated for The Help. The movies are so different, that is truly is a tough call. Either way, the award will go to someone who is deserving. The women have been great friends for over 15 years. Both of these women are truly brilliant in their field. They are born actresses if you ask me. However, neither of them has really ever been recognized for their talent. I think that Spencer will walk away lucky, but the cards are in The Academy's hands.

George Clooney is my vote for Best Actor. However, most experts are saying that The Academy members will be swayed by Jean DuJardin's performance in The Artist. This category is always a huge race, and it looks like this year it is the biggest one of all. I am personally hoping that Clooney will win. He has an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, but if anyone is the leading man in Hollywood, it's George. He should be honored this year, especially for a job well done in such an epic film as The Descendants.

The Oscar's are a total gamble for an average every day movie fan. They are even a gamble for me, and I read tons of blogs, opinions, newspaper articles, webposts, and websites. I am really looking forward to this year' show. Stay tuned the rest of this week for even more news on the Oscar Frenzy.

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