Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Movie Reviews

You guys know that I love to go to the movies! Even this past weekend when I was really sick, I still managed to make it to the theater. This time, I went with my ten-year-old sister to see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. 

Overall, I would give the movie 2 1/2 stars. It was good, but it is basically made for kids. My sister loved it! It was right up her alley. The film really strikes a chord with kids in the 10 to 12 age bracket. Most of the kids in the theater were younger than that, and so they didn't pick up on the subtle hints of romance and sarcasm.  I will say a few really positive things about the film. With the exception of Michael Cane, the casting was great! I love Michael Cain but he didn't really fit he personality of the role. He plays a rugged explorer type and my mind spent half the movie trying to find a way to wrap itself around him in that role.

However, the rest of the casting is impeccable. Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock was awesome. I have always really liked him as an actor in kid movies. I think my favorite film he has done would be The Tooth Fairy. Vanessa Hudgens was good, especially since I feel like I haven't really seen her do much since her singing days. Luis Guzman was awesome! He is a character actor, but I really like him. I think he does so well with kid films because he always plays the lovable character that all the kids and adults alike latch on to. He does that again in this film.

My favorite cast member was Josh Hutcherson. He plays the main character of Sean in this film who is journeying to find the mysterious island that is mentioned in various fantasy novels. As an actor, Hutcherson is really finding his way. I am elated that he is going to be playing the role of Peeta in the upcoming Hunger Games film. I have just finished that series of books, and let me just say wow! I am an avid reader, but I didn't even think that with a full schedule I would be able to eat up all three books in the series in a week! If you haven't read this not pass go, or collect $200. Just go to any Target or Walmart and pick up the paperbacks. But I am getting away from my point.

If you have kids definitely go see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. Otherwise, I might stray away from it and just rent it later on.

Tune in tomorrow for more jentertainment. 

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