Thursday, January 19, 2012

Krazy Gets Krazier

So I was driving to work today in my new car and I heard THE MOST ridiculous news broadcast ever on the radio. I should rephrase that, the newscast was not ridiculous, but the information presented in it truly was. I was listening to Mix 93.3 and Theresa's Tabloid Trash was coming through. This morning Theresa shared new information on this whole Khloe Kardashian scandal.

I don't know how much you guys are familiar with the news, so here is the backstory. Last week, one of Robert Kardashian's ex-wives, he was married a total of three times, leaked that Khloe was not actually Robert's biological daughter. Apparently, she leaked this information because of some leftover anger included in Robert's will when he died. He stated that he left things only to his four biological children: Kourtney, Kimberly, Khloe and Robert. Well I don't know why this matters, since Robert Kardashian died in 2003, almost 9 years ago. Seems like this chick needs to move on from pent up aggression and anger, go kick box or something. But apparently, that anger is sticking real well.

So she reports this and has every tabloid up in arms and every person in the world has been listening to the fact that Khloe may not be a REAL Kardashian. Here's the thing.....Khloe looks identical in facial structure to Robert Kardashian, not to mention she looks like her sister, brother and mother as well. Yes, she had lighter hair as a child and didn't look like a clone of Kourtney like Kim did. But that doesn't mean that she isn't Robert's child. Khloe took to her twitter account last week and posted this: "The audacity you have to mention my father’s name like this! Should be ashamed of urself! I let a lot of things slide but this one is really low… YOU ARE DISGUSTING! (yes you know who YOU are)". (

I back her 100%. So to get to the new news of the someone has leaked that O.J. Simpson is Khloe's biological father! Ridiculous and crazy on so many levels. Having just read Kris Jenner's book: Kris Jenner...and All Things Kardashian in a little over 24 hours over Christmas break, I can tell you that this allegation is truly unbelievable. Now, I am aware that I do not know the Kardashian's personally and sure, they are a crazy family...but so is mine. Every family has their skeletons but I do not believe that O.J. being Khloe's real father is one of them.

What this all boils down to is the money that people can make. Tabloids are ridiculous, and I am a reader. I go to and all the time. Now, these are above regular tabloids if you ask me. I love to know information about the stars and all things entertainment, hence why I sit here at this moment and write this post. However, with all that being said, I just feel sorry for Khloe at this point. I feel like she is being attacked because now everyone knows that Kris had an affair while married to Robert and so the entertainment mongers pounced on an opportunity. It isn't right, but that's business. The Kardashian's make money by being themselves but I guess in this situation Krazy is getting Krazier.

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