Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Death Does Not Become Her

The countdown continues. Today's Meryl movie?? Death Becomes Her, starring none other than Meryl Streep with Goldie Hawn and Bruce Willis. This movie was released in 1992 and was a dark comedic hit. Meryl was nominated for a Golden Globe for this film.

I remember the first time that I watched this movie, I was hysterical laughing. My roommate, on the other hand, did not think the film was as funny. I guess this might be why the film didn't win more awards. The movie isn't meant for everyone's taste, you have to be able to see the funniness in a bad situation while having a little bit of a dark side as well.

Despite the fact that no awards were won, this movie is still absolutely terrific. Meryl shines in this role. A role that is different from many other roles that she has played in the past. In this particular film and in She-Devil, Meryl plays a darker comedic role that she was not usually cast in. Once again, both of these films, especially Death Becomes Her show Meryl's versatility as an actress. I literally believe that if handed any role she could fulfill it.

In the late 1980's and early 1990's Meryl's career was white hot. She made at least one movie every year from 1978 to 1998, with the exception of 1997. That's incredible when looking at any individual's career, not to mention an individual who makes movies. Hollywood never ceases to amaze and inspire me. A star can be in the inner circle one day and by any kind of decision or bad press, personally inflicted or not; the same star can be kicked to the curb the next day. Meryl has always been in on the inner circle. She may not be the talk of the town or on the cover of tabloids every day, but she has aged into a figure of grace and sophistication within Hollywood. I can talk about Meryl Streep and all of her amazing talents until I am blue in the face. But it all really boils down to the fact that this incredible actress has been making not just quality films, but some of the most incredible films of all time, since her debut in 1977 in the film Julia. She is a one of a kind star, and I believe she is a one of a kind person as well.

Check out a trailer for the movie here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ko2dB8Jk_o

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