Monday, January 2, 2012

The Bridges of Eastwood & Streep

Number 6 on the Meryl Movie Countdown is an oldie but a goodie, The Bridges of Madison County. This movie was called the most romantic movie of all time by many, now most look to the movie The Notebook to fill this title. But, The Bridges of Madison County is a movie that cannot be squelched. This film was released in 1995 but takes place during the 1960's. The story line follows a homemaker named Francesca and her chance meeting with a photographer, named Robert Kincaid, while her family is away.

I had always heard about this movie long before my Meryl obsession started. My sister challenged me in 2008 to watch all of Meryl Streep's films in one year. I didn't see Bridges until right before the year was up. I bought the movie for only a few dollars in one of those bins at Best Buy. I put the movie into my computer and settled in to watch, not really knowing what to expect. I won't give as much of the plot and ending away as I did with yesterday's film. However, I will say this; the ending of the film is soul-crushing sad. Meryl shines in this performance as she does in so many others. What makes this film a classic, is a Meryl specialty: her world-renowned talent for accents. In this film her accent is French and she masters it so well that without it, the movie would have a completely different feel.

Her costar in this film is none other than the amazing and infamous Clint Eastwood. When asked about him in a recent interview, Meryl said that he intimated her other costars with just his presence ( ). The pair have such chemistry on screen that the film makes you feel like you are really watching the inner workings of a secret affair. 

Through this film, Meryl was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Golden Globe. She didn't take home any of the awards. Looking back she was up against some pretty high stakes including women of great caliber such as Susan Sarandon and Emma Thompson. Hopefully this year Meryl will sweep up the award for The Iron Lady. If you haven't seen Brides of Madison County check it out!

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