Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cars, Cars, Cars

Today, I get the opportunity to start looking for a new car. Whether its a new car or new to me has yet to be determined, but nevertheless, I'm excited. I have driven the same old car for five years. So, since I'm car shopping I thought I would include the top four movies that have to do with car salesmen.

1. Raising Helen 
Kate Hudson plays Helen is this film. This particular film is touching and filled with great actors all who do a fabulous job. Helen is forced into taking care and custody of her three nieces and nephews after her sister and brother in law's untimely death. For money, Helen works at Mickey's Used Auto Lot as the secretary. It's not a huge pat of the film but it is still a funny part. The role of Mickey is played by Hector Elizondo.

2. Defending Your Life
Yes, this is a Meryl Streep film! The first scene of this movie features character Daniel Miller played by Albert Brooks, driving off the lot with a brand new car. He dies in the next scene in a car crash, oh the irony. I hope that doesn't happen to me. Again, the car dealership has nothing to do with the large part of the film but it sets the tone of the movie and sets up the personality of main character Daniel.

3. Psycho
This film also features a car dealership. The car lot that was used for this film was located right near Universal studios.

4. Matilda
This movie does not feature a car dealership but instead a used car dealer who actually is conniving and a thief. Matilda's father, Harry Wormwood, takes every measure possible to make sure he is ripping off his clients when selling them a used car. It shapes his entire character in both the book and the movie.

A pointless post I know but maybe you learned some random piece of trivia you didn't know before.


  1. New car? good to hear. Hope your doing good and have fun in Jersey-ASAIN

  2. Yeah i mean ASIAN........

    1. Hi Jen!! I havent seen you in a while. The last time i saw you we were at the taylor swift concert (you should blog about her!)
      -Little Peanut and Jorge!

  3. Haha I love your comment Peanut and Jorge! I will definitely take the Taylor Swift suggestion. In fact she has been mentioned in my blog once already. I love you guys! Hope you are doing good :)
