Friday, December 30, 2011

One Big Happy Family

As I wondered what to write about today, I was double-tasking.  My mom was watching a recording of Modern Family that I had already viewed. Somehow, I was still distracted by the show and ended up laughing harder than I had the first time that I watched it. The ending of this particular episode, "Phil on Wire," truly is comic genius with Mitch & Cam eating the dog cupcakes. This show never fails to make me laugh. The relationships that it depicts with such depth and yet bringing the funny, is something that is hard to accomplish with that big of a cast.

The second thing that is truly amazing about this show is the interview portion of each episode. The show functions as a sitcom, but with the interviews included, the audience almost feels as though they are watching a reality television show. The beauty of this is it makes the characters ever more real. Fans feel like they could walk down that street and truly interact with Phil and Jay. The acting is brilliant and their comedic timing is impeccable.

Although the Oscars do not have a category for televisions shows, the Golden Globes does. This year, Modern Family is nominated for best television show: comedy or musical. In my opinion it has two fierce competitors that it must beat out. Glee is always a high stakes competitor, with Lea Michele gaining exposure through New Year's Eve and the public falling in love with Jane Lynch more and more by the day. The other competitor, from my viewpoint, is a new show entitled The New Girl. Zooey Deschanel (most known for he roles in Elf and 500 Days of Summer) is picking up attention for her new witty sitcom. But I believe the award should rest with the cast, crew and staff of Modern Family first off for its hilarity and secondly, for the fact that it manages to  be so funny with such a large ensemble included in every episode.

Only time will tell which show will win. Who are you rooting for?

Here's another blogger who I think would agree with my vote.

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