Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Here goes nothing

Here it first post. I never pictured myself as a person who would write a blog. In fact, a few years ago I went on a humanitarian trip to Vietnam and my sister and I created a blog. We planned to write every day and people who knew we were going were all excited about it. Truth is, I think we posted one time before we even left for the trip. Yet, here I am three years later writing a blog post on my thoughts on pop culture, entertainment and celebrities alike. 

With the award season upon us, I thought I would focus on the person who I think got jipped the most this year. For those of you who know me, this person should come as no surprise.  The biggest disappointment to me when looking at the nominees for both the Globes and the Oscars is the fact that Alan Rickman seems to have been omitted. Rickman managed to fall through the cracks again, as he has in years past. 

Obviously, as a Harry Potter fanatic, I love Alan Rickman's portrayal of Severus Snape. But what I think, unfortunately doesn't matter in the large realm of reality. What should matter is the work, solid effort, and dedication that Alan Rickman has been slaving over for more than a decade. He literally has poured himself in to the character known as Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series. Of course Rickman shines in this role as he does in countless others, because he is  a born actor with amazing talent. What is of importance here is the dedication that he put into playing a character that was hated for many years. With the Harry Potter series over with and now that the movies have come to an end as well, I think that much of the world forgets that Snape was much a very hated man across many continents.

The character of Snape was seen by fans as the wizard guy with long hair who would never get off Harry's back because of pubescent issues with Harry's dad. However, as fans across the world now know, he plays the most crucial role in the entire series. For those of you who grow up with Harry and his chums like I did, you know just how big of a deal this is. Looking back on the films in a recent marathon with my ten year old sister, I was truly awestruck by Rickman's role throughout the films. He goes from being a hated man to the man who protects Harry throughout his entire life. Not only does he have Harry's back and function as a spy, he also does this without any recognition or pats on the back.  All of this being said, I truly feel sad for Alan Rickman. I know most of you are thinking a few thoughts right now. Number 1) This girl is obsessed with Harry Potter and possibly Alan Rickman. 2) She is very attached to fictional characters. 3) Does she think the awards are given to the characters and not the actors? 

The first two thoughts are completely true, the third is not. I am completely aware of the fact that Golden Globes and Oscars along with other awards are not given to the fictional characters developed by writers, authors and screenwriters. However, with as much dedication as Rickman gave to the role of a lifetime, I feel as though he managed to fulfill his character's life in reality. He is being shoved under the rug to make way for other actors who undoubtedly gave brilliant performances, but their performances don't scream give me the freakin' Oscar. If I gave out the awards, Rickman would definitely take the cake.



    Eonline agrees with me


    Maybe my dreams will come true!
