Friday, December 21, 2012

Sequels to Look Forward to in 2013

Sequels are fabulous. People love them which means the movie companies love them and actors them. It's a win win win situation. Here are some of the best sequels that you can look forward to for next year!

Anchorman Sequel
This was announced a few months ago but the official date of release was announced yesterday: December 20, 2013. Everyone who has seen this movie loves it and I know that we will all love this one as well. Too bad we have to wait almost a full calendar year for it. 

Pitch Perfect
There is no release date set for this but the project is definitely in the works. I here that Rebel Wilson will be definitely be returning to fulfill her role. She was hands down the best part of the film and I can't wait for more of her accent and jokes. 

Thor: The Dark Worlds
After the success of Thor and this year's The Avengers there is no way that this won't be a box office hit. Plus all women love to stare at Chris Hemsworth, and we can again for a whole feature film next year on November 8th. 

Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The next installment in the Hunger Games franchise is already set to be a billion dollar rake in. I know that you are all aware its coming and definitely plan to take to the theater while proudly supporting Peeta or Gale. 

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs: Revenge of the Leftovers
This movie is so cute. The animation is my favorite part. Anna Faris will be reprising her role joined by James Caan and Neil Patrick Harris. 

Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters
Most tweens will be looking forward to this one. The kid who plays Percy, Logan Lerman, is a fantastic actor and I know that he will bring the strength to this second film that it needs. 

Iron Man 3
I'm sorry, you don't like Robert Downey Jr?! What's wrong with you?! Just kidding, everyone loves RDJ. Go see it on May 3. 

The Hangover III
Who knows if this one will be any good, but crowds will pour into see it anyway. 

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