Thursday, December 20, 2012

Doomsday Is Not Upon Us

I am sure that you have all heard the buzz about Doomsday and tomorrow being the last day on Earth. I do not believe one little itty bitty piece of this information. Some Mayan individual was tired making the damn calendar and now millions of people are freaking out, when December 21st has been a completely regular day every other calendar year.

So, even though I think the whole thing is ridiculous and causing a lot of people to needlessly worry and obsess, I still decided to blog about it. Now I want to be clear: I DO NOT THINK THE WORLD IS ENDING TOMORROW. But, if it was my last chance to watch a movie, these are the movies that I would choose to watch.

1. It's Complicated
I absolutely love this movie, it's probably my favorite. Plus, it features my all time favorite Meryl Streep. This movie would be great to watch...funny and lighthearted.

2. Seeking a Friend For The End of The World
Although this would make me sad, it would also make me feel the appropriate feeling: that my life was worth living.

3. Forrest Gump
This one is a classic and if you were born anywhere near the early 90's then you seriously grew up quoting Forrest Gump and Lieutenant Dan.

4. Moonstruck
I have also grown up with this movie and it is more than a family favorite. It's my mom's all time favorite movie and the music calms me.

5. Toy Story
Just because.

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