Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 has been quite the year for celebrity pregnancies and new babies. We have been able to welcome some adorable little bundles this year. Some are calling it the Hollywood Baby Boom of 2012. But none of those precious little bundles, not even Kourtney Kardashian's can have any competition with this news. Kim Kardashian is pregnant with Kanye West's baby! Kanye West released the information on Sunday night during his concert in Atlantic City. Of course Twitter exploded with hundreds of tweets with congratulations and support.

This was shocking for the first 2.1 seconds that I knew the information, and then it settled in. Of course they would have a baby together. I could not be happier for the couple, but the news flash of information caused a couple of bombs to implode inside my brain. First, Kim is still technically married to Kris Humphries. Although that is not considered a problem in the year 2012, it is going to cause some issues in the court. Kris has been slinging any kind of hash at the couple that he can and we all know that he can turn this into some kind of loaded accusations. Secondly, poor Khloer's. Khloe, the youngest sister of the title 3 Kardashians, has been trying to have a baby with husband Lamar Odom for over two years. I feel bad that her sisters seem to be having families of their own and she is sitting there praying.

But, besides those two things I am sincerely happy for Kimye. The two of them even being a couple has created a band of followers. Its the King of Rap and the Queen of the Tabloids having a baby, time to celebrate in 2013. 

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